יום ראשון, 24 בנובמבר 2013

The music of your soul

When you wear

velvet or silk,

You may feel like



When you put on

a smiling face,

You may feel like

a success.


But what about

the deepest music

of  your soul?

It never goes away

even if it is ignored.


When you lick

honey and cream,

You may feel that

your life is sweet.


When you live

as you were taught,

You may feel that

you are in control.


But what about

The deepest music

of your soul?

It never goes away

even if it is ignored.

It is always there to show  you

what is true and what is false.

It will always remind you

who you are

in full.


Orna  Gal  2013
All rights reserved to Orna Gal



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